Results for 'Charles de Secondat Vauvenargues'

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  1.  19
    The spirit of the laws.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Thomas Nugent - 2010 - London: Appleton. Edited by Thomas Nugent, J. V. Prichard & Oliver Wendell Holmes.
    The Spirit of the Laws is, without question, one of the central texts in the history of eighteenth-century thought, yet there has been no complete, scholarly English-language edition since that of Thomas Nugent, published in 1750. This lucid translation renders Montesquieu's problematic text newly accessible to a fresh generation of students, helping them to understand quite why Montesquieu was such an important figure in the early enlightenment and why The Spirit of the Laws was, for example, such an influence upon (...)
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    (1 other version)Del espíritu de las leyes.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1821 - Valladolid: Lex Nova. Edited by Nicolás Estévanez.
    El libro que estableció la teoría de la separación de poderes -afirmando la independencia del poder judicial con respecto al ejecutivo y el legislativo, para asegurar la libertad del pueblo- es una de las obras clave del pensamiento político, jurídico, sociológico e histórico de todos los tiempos.Aquella teoría enunciada por Charles-Louis de Secondat, barón de La Brède y de Montesquieu -"No hay libertad si el poder judicial no está separado del legislativo y executivo"- es tan sólo uno de (...)
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  3. Vom Geist der Gesetze.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1951 - Tübingen: H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung.
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    (2 other versions)The spirit of laws.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Jean Le Rond D' Alembert - 1902 - London,: G. Bell and sons. Edited by Jean Le Rond D' Alembert, J. V. Prichard & [From Old Catalog].
    Of laws in general -- Of laws directly derived from the nature of government -- Of the principles of the three kinds of government -- That the laws of education ought to be relative to the principles of government -- That the laws given by the legislator ought to be relative to the nature of government -- Consquences of the principles of different governments, with respect to the simplicity of civil and criminal laws, the form of judgements, and inflicting of (...)
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    La génie de Montesquieu.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1970 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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    Lo spirito delle leggi.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Sergio Cotta - 1996 - Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese.
    Montesquieu cercò di dimostrare come, sotto la diversità degli eventi, la storia abbia un ordine e manifesti l'azione di leggi costanti. Ogni ente ha le proprie leggi. Le istituzioni e le leggi dei vari popoli non costituiscono qualcosa di casuale e arbitrario, ma sono strettamente condizionate dalla natura dei popoli stessi, dai loro costumi, dalla loro religione e sicuramente anche dal clima. Al pari di ogni essere vivente anche gli uomini, e quindi le società, sono sottoposte a regole fondamentali che (...)
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  7. Ruh ul-kavanin.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1923 - İstanbul: Matbaa-yi Âmire. Edited by Hüseyin Nâzım Paşa.
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  8.  22
    Persian Letters: With Related Texts.Baron de Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Raymond N. MacKenzie - 2014 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    A classic work of the European Enlightenment--and one of the most popular, if scandalous, in its day--the Persian Letters captures, in an engaging epistolary format, the transformational spirit of the era. Amid an ongoing tale rife with sex, violence, and wit, the work addresses a diverse range of topics from human nature and the origins of society, to the nature and role of religious belief, the role of women, statecraft, justice, morality, and human identity. With skill and artistry, Raymond MacKenzie’s (...)
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  9. Viaggio in Italia.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu, Giovanni Macchia & Massimo Colesanti - 1971 - Laterza.
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    De l'esprit des lois.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Gonzague Truc - 1927 - Paris,: Garnier frères. Edited by Gonzague Truc.
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    De l'esprit des lois.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Robert Derathé - 1927 - Paris,: Garnier frères. Edited by Gonzague Truc.
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  12. Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1955
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  13. Montesquieu.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Marcel Raymond - 1932 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Gustave Lanson.
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  14. O dukhi︠e︡ zakonov.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1900
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    (3 other versions)De l'esprit des lois.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Jean Brethe de la Gressaye - 1927 - Paris,: Garnier frères. Edited by Gonzague Truc.
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    De l'esprit des lois.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Jean Ehrard - 1927 - Paris,: Garnier frères. Edited by Gonzague Truc.
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  17. (1 other version)Lun fa de jing shen.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1961 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan. Edited by Yanshen Zhang.
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  18. A törvények szelleméről.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1962 - Budapest,: Akadémia Kiadó.
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  19.  10
    Montesquieu: discourses, dissertations, and dialogues on politics, religion.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by David W. Carrithers & Philip Stewart.
    Discourse on the motives that should encourage us towards the sciences (1725) ; Essay on the causes that can affect minds and characters (1736-1738/1739) -- Dissertation on Roman politics in religion (1716) ; Discourse on Cicero (1717) ; Dialogue between Sulla and Eucrates (1724) -- Notes on England (1729-1731) ; Reflections on the inhabitants of Rome (1732) -- In praise of sincerity (1717?) ; Treatise on duties (1725) ; On consideration and reputation (1725) ; Discourse on the equity that must (...)
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  20. Rūḥ al-qavānīn.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1970 - [Tehran]: Amīr Kabīr. Edited by ʻAlī Akbar Muhtadī.
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  21. (1 other version)Montesquieu.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Fortunat Strowski - 1932 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Gustave Lanson.
  22.  52
    The spirit of laws.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Nugent, J. V. Prichard & G. D. H. Cole - 1902 - London,: G. Bell and sons. Edited by Jean Le Rond D' Alembert, J. V. Prichard & [From Old Catalog].
    Of laws in general -- Of laws directly derived from the nature of government -- Of the principles of the three kinds of government -- That the laws of education ought to be relative to the principles of government -- That the laws given by the legislator ought to be relative to the nature of government -- Consquences of the principles of different governments, with respect to the simplicity of civil and criminal laws, the form of judgements, and inflicting of (...)
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  23.  8
    De l'esprit des lois.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Victor Goldschmidt - 1927 - Paris,: Garnier frères. Edited by Gonzague Truc.
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  24. De l'Esprit des Lois les Grands Thèmes.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu, J. P. Mayer & A. P. Kerr - 1970 - Gallimard.
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    Essai Sur le Go Ut.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Charles Jacques Beyer - 1967 - Droz.
    Une lettre de Montesquieu (1689-1755) à d'Alembert du 16 septembre 1753 refuse la proposition d'écrire pour l'Encyclopédie les articles "Démocratie" et "Despotisme" et propose une contribution sur le "Goût. L'Essai sur le goût dans les choses de la nature et de l'art de Montesquieu forme une partie de l'article "Goût", paru dans le tome VII de l'Encyclopédie en 1757 de façon posthume et à l'état inachevé. Cet article est lui-même composé d'un article dû à Voltaire, puis du "fragment sur le (...)
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  26.  8
    Montesquieu par lui-même: Images et textes.Jean Starobinski & Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1979 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Gustave Lanson.
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  27.  13
    Montesquieu par lui-même.Jean Starobinski & Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1953 - Paris,: Éditions du Seuil. Edited by Jean Starobinski.
  28.  9
    The Persian Letters.Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu & George R. Healy - 1999 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Based on the 1758 edition, this translation strives for fidelity and retains Montesquieu's paragraphing. George R. Healy's Introduction discusses _The Persian Letters_ as a kind of overture to the Enlightenment, a work of remarkable diversity designed more to explore a problem of great urgency for eighteenth century thought than to resolve it: that of discovering universals, or at least the pragmatic constants, amid the diversity of human culture and society, and of confronting the proposition that there are no values in (...)
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  29.  25
    Montesquieu: Selected Political Writings.Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu & Melvin Richter - 1990 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The essential political writings of Montesquieu--a substantial abridgment of The Spirit of the Laws, plus judicious selections from _The Persian Letters_ and _Considerations of the Romans' Greatness and Decline_--are masterfully translated by Melvin Richter. Prefaced by a new fifty-page introduction by Richter for this revised edition, The Selected Political Writings displays the genius and virtuosity of Montesquieu the philosopher, social critic, political theorist, and literary stylist, whose work commands the attention of all students of the Enlightenment and of modern constitutional (...)
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  30. Montesquieu.Gustave Lanson & Charles de Secondat Montesquieu - 1932 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Gustave Lanson.
  31.  8
    De l'Esprit des lois, extraits..Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu - 1969 - Paris,: Larousse. Edited by Clément, Michel & [From Old Catalog].
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  32. Moralistes du XVIIIe siècle. Fontenelle, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, Charles Pinot- Duclos, Vauvenargues, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas Chamfort, Antoine Rivarol & Henry Gaillard de Champris (eds.) - 1940 - Paris: J. de Gigord.
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  33.  9
    Charles de Secondat, baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu.Norbert Campagna - 2021 - In Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Krause, Tocqueville-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. pp. 128-131.
    Der Vergleich zwischen Alexis de Tocqueville und Charles de Montesquieu stammt nicht erst aus dem 20. Jahrhundert, sondern wurde schon von Zeitgenossen Tocquevilles gemacht, die im Autor der Démocratie en Amérique einen neuen Montesquieu sahen. Nachdem Tocqueville am 21.
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    Charles de Secondat, baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu (1689–1755).Norbert Campagna - 2021 - In Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Krause, Tocqueville-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. pp. 189-193.
    Der Vergleich zwischen Alexis de Tocqueville und Charles de Montesquieu (1689–1755) stammt nicht erst aus dem 20. Jahrhundert, sondern wurde schon von Zeitgenossen Tocquevilles gemacht, die im Autor der Démocratie en Amérique einen neuen Montesquieu sahen (OC XIII, 1, 274, FN). Nachdem Tocqueville am 21. April 1842 seine Antrittsrede an der Académie française gehalten hatte, wo er den Sitz des Grafen von Cessac übernommen hatte, antwortete ihm Mathieu Louis Molé. In dieser Antwort sagt der Cousin Tocquevilles, Letzterer habe nicht (...)
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  35.  14
    The Spirit of Laws: A Compendium of the First English Edition.Charles Louis de Secondat - 1977 - University of California Press.
    Montesquieu's The Spirit of Laws is an enduring classic of social and political theory deserving a fresh reading every generation. The modern reader, however, is likely to find a work that ran to over a thousand pages in its two-volume first edition a bit overwhelming. Presented here, therefore, is the first English-language compendium of The Spirit of Laws, together with the first English translation of the posthumously published treatise containing the physiological theory underlying Montesquieu's theory of climate.
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    Nature et valeur dans la philosophie de Montesquieu: analyse méthodique de la notion de rapport dans l'Esprit des lois.Charles Jacques Beyer - 1982 - Paris: Klincksieck.
  37.  10
    The Liberty of Thought and the Separation of Powers: A Modern Problem Considered in the Context of Montesquieu.Charles Morgan - 1948 - Clarendon Press.
  38. De l'unité de l'ʾsprit des lois de Montesquieu.Charles Oudin - 1970 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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  39.  10
    Le moraliste, la politique et l'histoire: De La Rochefoucauld à Derrida.Jean-Charles Darmon (ed.) - 2007 - Paris: Desjonquères.
    Pour qui s'intéresse aux formes les plus subtiles de la pensée morale en Europe, ceux que l'on nomme les " moralistes " brillent d'un éclat particulièrement vif. Le moraliste se présente souvent comme " un anatomiste du cœur " OU un spectateur de la vie, non comme l'architecte d'un système ou le porte-parole d'une doctrine générale. La présente enquête collective est tout entière guidée par le souci de s'interroger sur les significations proprement historiques et politiques émanant de l'œuvre des moralistes. (...)
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  40. Baron de Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de secondat.Hilary Bok - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Montesquieu was one of the great political philosophers of the Enlightenment. Insatiably curious and mordantly funny, he constructed a naturalistic account of the various forms of government, and of the causes that made them what they were and that advanced or constrained their development. He used this account to explain how governments might be preserved from corruption. He saw despotism, in particular, as a standing danger for any government not already despotic, and argued that it could best be prevented by (...)
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  41.  44
    Thomas Hobbes (International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought). Edited by Gabriella Slomp . Pp. xxviii, 540. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008. £140.00. Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought). Edited by David Carrithers . Pp. xli, 584. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2009, £165.00. [REVIEW]Jonathan Wright - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (3):519-519.
  42.  41
    Tribalism and the Social Contract.Charles De Belloy - 2023 - Questions 23:46-47.
  43.  11
    Œuvres posthumes et œuvres inédites de Vauvenargues.Vauvenargues - 1857 - Genève: Slatkine Reprints. Edited by D. L. Gilbert.
    Dialogues - Fragments - Critique de quelques maximes du Duc de La Rochefoucauld - Correspondence.
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    Œuvres complètes de Vauvenargues.Henry Vauvenargues & Bonnier - 1968 - [Paris,]: Hachette. Edited by Henry Bonnier.
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  45.  46
    An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology.Charles Hallisey & Padmasiri de Silva - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):504.
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    1245 — Année canonique.Charles de Miramon - 2022 - ThéoRèmes 18 (18).
    In 1245 Canon Law reaches an apex. A Lawyer-Pope Innocent IV proclaims at the Œcumenical Council of Lyons the prestige of Canon Law and his professors. Canon Law is perceived as a new and sometimes controversial ecclesiastical science of power. This new status can be explained by the growth of the ius commune in Italian universities and the rivalries between Roman Law, Canon Law and theology. Innocent IV promotes the figure of the ecclesiastical judge. He also delineates an ecclesiology where (...)
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  47. Montesquieu, Bolingbroke E la Separazione Dei Poteri.Robert Shackleton - 1952
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  48.  48
    Politics and history: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.Louis Althusser - 1972 - London,: NLB.
  49.  36
    Montesquieu.Judith N. Shklar - 1987 - Oxford University Press USA.
    One of the most original political thinkers of the Enlightenment, Montesquieu utilized his passionate belief in toleration and the moral benefits of science to construct a naturalistic system of political science based on the study of history, comparative government, and human behavior. This volume reveals Montesquieu's purpose by exploring the range of his literary output, focusing on his scandalous novel, The Persian Letters (1721), his philosophical history, Considerations on the Greatness and Decline of the Romans (1734), and his magnum opus, (...)
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  50.  7
    Montesquieu.Robert Shackleton - 1961 - [London]: Oxford University Press.
    Scholarly general study of the 18th century philosopher using his manuscripts and family archives, portraying the man and his works, with critical comments on both.
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